Sunday, March 18, 2007

VILLAGE PEOPLE - Renaissance (1981)

I Was flicking through my vinyl stack the other day whilst clearing out my shit to flog on Ebay...

...when i re-discovered one of the classics:

* VILLAGE PEOPLE - Renaissance (1981)

...the key is to only listen to Side 2. Side 1 is pretty standard Village People fare. Side 2, however, is were they go freakin crazy. All hard synths, great choruses; simply put:

its a rock opera, about food, during the height of the AIDS scare, by a disco band gone New-Wave.


Track 1 - 'Action Man': yr all down to be fit and active for the bar/club; and everything is going well...

Track 2 - 'Big Mac': after yr night out on the town, dancing off yr cares, something long, fat and greasy is needed to fill yr hole....

Track 3 - 'Diet': you've gone out 3 months straight, you've had all the grease and poppers that anyone can handle; and those lovely pecs are sagging into Brandon Davis type man boobs.... Its time for something drastic. The question remains however, Atkins or more meth...

Track 4 - 'Food Fight': you still wanna get the thick grease of the BIG MAC, only now yr all jaded. So you throw it into the air at unsuspecting passers by, instead of shoving it down yr orifice.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now despite being a great insight into the moment AIDS hit the Gay scene, the album seriously rocks. Perfect for push-ups, crunches, dancing and alla that.

FOOD FIGHT is also one of the best tracks of all time. Devo meets Black Flag. I think it sums up when the E or popper hits and nothing makes sense; so start searching the op-shops and open closets....

Hell you may even burn off some pounds while looking.

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