Holy shit 'LIMP WRIST' were amazing last night @ Maggotsville (January 5th). There was fights, and dykes. So many dykes, all deciding to unleash their tits to the world... well they took off their tops to reveal their bras, but still, if you looked close enough..... Seems the hetero males and dykes have a similar love for at least one thing.. and its pink and soft.
Red was the colour of the singer of LIMP WRIST's assless jock strap, like 'Big Gay Al' only punk... and diminutive. Hell the crowd seemed to enjoy it. Some eager skin sliding a hand between the hairy opening. I took half the set to even realise that the drummer was naked. And shaved, well shaved. It was like a flower in full bloom. Ripe and ready. Albeit rather short..... guess that explains all the anger.
"I like boys hadcore" indeed.
Moshing like Mexican jumping beans, Ari leaps in with his bag - 1st hard-core show. Comes up to me later, turns out he lost his phone with the swirling masses at the front; i even loose my merch, perchased with a Pokie win. Shit.
3/4 threw the set, and still on the lookout for Ari's phone, i reach down to pick up a glowing mass on the floor, its the phone, missing its cover, and shards of a beer bottle. A dude hurtes over head, i grab him. Well his member, guy was crowd surfing naked.
Bruce La Bruce would have been proud.
nice shots slob. bravo on landing when ms mauritius was on! luvv da fish mmmmmm tasty. and ur usuall ramblings on all subjects always has an aura of wisdom. 10 percent gold! :P
i found this way too late!
And yr right, i need a filter. Badly.
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